Loss of “trust in government” institutions such as our federal and state governments have caused what I fear may be cultural and generational obstacles for even local county government leaders. When our elementary children see the world news highlights showing public officials serving in Congress tossing out words like fellow Americans being called “deplorables” and labeling others as “white nationalist”, and they hear about hateful speech coming from the mouths of elected officials in our State legislatures across the country, those words are changing the hearts of an entire generation. I will be a leader of not only the adults in our county, but the children too. I love Dade County, and hope that the people will see my love for them. I will always show respect to my fellow elected officials, even when we don’t fully agree on all the issues laid before us.
Although we have a clean source of water and available growth in our local sewer plant, we must be constantly aware of our future growth potential. Aging infrastructure decisions at the county level concern both the type and location of infrastructure. The most common infrastructure decisions made by the board of commissioners pertain to the following: roads and bridges, new water lines, sewer, parks and recreation facilities, law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services facilities.
Planning for our future sounds easy, but it takes a lot of effort by numerous partners in our region. Dade County has an active comprehensive plan that is reviewed every five years, but more community input is required at these type meetings to encompass all ideas from the ground level up to the County Commission. Planning includes: capital financing, comprehensive planning, fire master plan, health care, implementation program, infrastructure decisions, regional partnerships, service delivery strategy, short-term work plan, emergency preparedness and water needs.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower said it best, “ Plans are nothing: Planning is everything.” Our county must be proactive in planning and not reactive to events or situations that blindside us. Because together we are building a better Dade.